General Science Most Important Mcqs For Lucknow University Entrance Exam 2024

Lucknow University General Science Most Important Questions Entrance Exam 2024

Q1) The study of flower is known as:
A) Phrenology
B) Anthology
C) Agrostology
D) Palynology

Q2) The PH value of human blood is:
A) 6.6
B) 7.2
C) 7.4
D) 7.8

Q3) Hemoglobin is a:
A) Protein
B) Carbohydrate
C) Fat
D) Vitamins

Q4) The vitamin that is most rapidly manufactured in our body is:
A) Vitamin A
B) Vitamin B
C) Vitamin C
D) Vitamin D

Q5) Accumulation of which one of the following in our muscle leads to fatigue:
A) Lactic Acid
B) Pyruvic Acid
C) Benzoic Acid
D) Uric Acid

Q6) The escape velocity of the Earth is:
A) 7.0 km/sec
B) 11.2 km/sec
C) 15.0 km/sec
D) 21.1 km/sec

Q7) Which one of the following pair is not correctly matched:
A) Anemometer : Wind Speed
B) Ammeter : Electric Current
C) Tacheometer : Pressure Difference
D) Pyrometer : High Temperatur

Q8) Which one of the following method is used to seperate water from alcohol water mixture:
A) Decantation
B) Evaporation
C) Sublimation
D) Distillation

Q9) The number of chambers in a human heart is:
A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 6

Q10) Which one of the following metal is used with iron to make it rust free:
A) Alluminium
B) Carbon
C) Chromium
D) Tin

Q11) Athlete’s foot is a disease caused by:
A) Bacteria
B) Fungus
C) Protozoan
D) Nematode

Q12) In eye donation which part of the donor’s eye is utilised:
A) Iris
B) Retina
C) Lens
D) Cornea

Q13) The major component of Honey is:
A) Glucose
B) Maltose
C) Fructose
D) Sucrose

Q14) The velocity of sound is minimum in:
A) Vacuum
B) Water
C) Air
D) Iron

Q15) How many bones are present in human ears:
A) 4
B) 5
C) 6
D) 9

Q16) A satellite is kept moving in its orbit around the Earth due to its:
A) Centrifugal Force
B) Centripetal Force
C) Gravitational Force
D) None of the Above

Q17) The time period of a Pendulum:
A) Depends on its Length
B) Depends on the Mass
C) Depends on Time
D) Depends on Temperature

Q18) In case of rusting, the weight of Iron will be:
A) Increase
B) Decrease
C) Remains Same
D) Uncertain

Q19) Melbomian gland is located in:
A) Ear
B) Nose
C) Skin
D) Eye

Q20) The weight of our body is mostly made of:
A) From Bones
B) Parts of Body
C) From Water
D) Parts of Skin

Q21) Which one of the following organ is affected by Malaria:
A) Heart
B) Lungs
C) Kidney
D) Spleen

Q22) Which of the following substance is used for Artificial Rain:
A) Silver Bromide
B) Ammonium Nitrate
C) Silver Iodide
D) All of the Above

Q23) Which one of the following gas is known as Noble Gas:
A) Hydrogen
B) Oxygen
C) Helium
D) Carbon Dioxide

Q24) Which one of the following device is used for detecting lie:
A) Polygraph
B) Pyrometer
C) Gyroscope
D) Kymograph

Q25) ELISA test is performed to test:
A) Diabetes
B) Tuberculosis
C) Aids
D) Typhoid

Q26) A man, who doesn’t know when to stop eating, is suffering from:
A) Bulimia
B) Diabetes
C) Anorexia
D) Hyperacidity

Q27) Which of the following device is used for converting Alternative Current into Direct Current:
A) Dynomo
B) Motor
C) Transformer
D) Rectifier

Q28) Octane number is used for measuring the quality of:
A) Edible Oil
B) Petrol
C) Kerosene Oil
D) Perfumed Oil

Q29) The chemical name of Baking Soda is:
A) Sodium Chloride
B) Sodium Sulphate
C) Sodium Bicarbonate
D) Sodium Hydroxide

Q30) The sky appears blue due to its:
A) Scattering of Light
B) Diffraction of Light
C) Refraction of Light
D) Reflection of Light

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