B.Sc. Nursing Entrance Exam: Most Important MCQs on Principles of Inheritance and Variation (Free Download Available)

B.Sc. Nursing Entrance Exam: Most Important MCQs on Principles of Inheritance and Variation (Free Download Available)
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MCQs for Up Bsc Nursing CNET ABVMU

1. In Mendel’s experiments on pea plants, the trait that disappeared in the F1 generation but reappeared in the F2 generation is called:

a) Dominant trait

b) Recessive trait

c) Co-dominant trait

d) Linked trait

2. The term “homozygous” refers to an individual that has:

a) Two different alleles for a particular gene

b) Two identical alleles for a particular gene

c) Multiple alleles for a particular gene

d) No alleles for a particular gene

3. The genetic makeup of an individual is referred to as its:

a) Phenotype

b) Genotype

c) Allele

d) Homozygosity

4. The observed physical characteristics of an individual are referred to as its:

a) Genotype

b) Phenotype

c) Allele

d) Dominance

5. Which of the following is an example of a sex-linked inheritance?

a) Blood type

b) Eye color

c) Height

d) Color blindness

6. The inheritance of traits controlled by a single gene with two or more alleles is called:

a) Incomplete dominance

b) Co-dominance

c) Multiple alleles

d) Polygenic inheritance

7. A gene located on the X-chromosome is called a/an:

a) Autosomal gene

b) Recessive gene

c) Dominant gene

d) Sex-linked gene

8. In a dihybrid cross, if the two genes assort independently, the phenotypic ratio in the F2 generation will be:

a) 3:1

b) 1:2:1

c) 9:3:3:1

d) 1:1

9. The phenomenon where a single gene influences multiple traits is called:

a) Incomplete dominance

b) Co-dominance

c) Pleiotropy

d) Polygenic inheritance

10. In humans, the inheritance of ABO blood groups follows the pattern of:

a) Complete dominance

b) Incomplete dominance

c) Co-dominance

d) Multiple alleles

11. The inheritance of skin color in humans is an example of:

a) Complete dominance

b) Incomplete dominance

c) Co-dominance

d) Polygenic inheritance

12. The presence of an additional copy of a chromosome in a cell is known as:

a) Polyploidy

b) Aneuploidy

c) Deletion

d) Duplication

13. Down syndrome, caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21, is an example of:

a) Polyploidy

b) Aneuploidy

c) Deletion

d) Duplication

14. The process of exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during meiosis is called:

a) Crossing over

b) Inversion

c) Translocation

d) Nondisjunction

Answer Key

1. b) Recessive trait

2. b) Two identical alleles for a particular gene

3. b) Genotype

4. b) Phenotype

5. d) Color blindness

6. c) Multiple alleles

7. d) Sex-linked gene

8. c) 9:3:3:1

9. c) Pleiotropy

10. c) Co-dominance

11. d) Polygenic inheritance

12. b) Aneuploidy

13. b) Aneuploidy

14. a) Crossing over

Chapter NameChapter Link
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering PlantsLink
Human ReproductionLink
Reproductive HealthLink
Principles of Inheritance and VariationLink
Molecular Basis Of InheritanceLink
Human Health and DiseaseLink
Microbes in Human WelfareLink
Biotechnology : Principles and ProcessLink
Biotechnology and its Applications Link
Organism And PopulationLink
Biodiversity and ConservationLink
Articles: 84

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