B.Sc. Nursing Entrance Exam: Most Important MCQs on Organism And Population (Free Download Available)

B.Sc. Nursing Entrance Exam: Most Important MCQs on Organism And Population (Free Download Available)
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MCQs for Up Bsc Nursing CNET ABVMU Chapter 12 : Organism And Population Class 12 MCQs

1. Which of the following is an example of a density-dependent factor that regulates population growth?

a) Temperature

b) Precipitation

c) Predation

d) Earthquake

2. The maximum number of individuals of a species that an ecosystem can support without being degraded is known as:

a) Carrying capacity

b) Population density

c) Biotic potential

d) Logistic growth

3. The pattern of growth where the population increases rapidly and then stabilises near the carrying capacity is known as:

a) Exponential growth

b) Logistic growth

c) Geometric growth

d) Boom-and-bust cycle

4. Which of the following factors is an abiotic component of an ecosystem?

a) Predators

b) Parasites

c) Soil

d) Herbivores

5. A group of individuals of the same species living in the same area and capable of interbreeding is called:

a) Community

b) Ecosystem

c) Population

d) Habitat

6. Which one is commensalism?

 Species ASpecies B

a) ii and iv

b) only i

c) i and iii

d) only iii

7. Maximum growth rate occurs in

a) Senescent phase

b) Lag phase

c) Exponential phase

d) Stationary phase

8. Plant species having a wide range of genetical distribution evolve into a local population known as

a) Ecotype

b) Biome

c) Ecosystem

d) Population

9. Geometric representation of age structure is a characteristics of

a) Population

b) Land scape

c) Ecosystem

d) Biotic community

10. The tendency of population to remain in genetic equlibrium may be disturbed by

a) Lack of migration

b) Lack of mutations

c) Lack of random mating

d) Randam mating

Answer Key

1. c) Predation

2. a) Carrying capacity

3. b) Logistic growth

4. c) Soil

5. c) Population

6. c) i and iii

7. c) Exponential phase

8. a) Ecotype

9. a) Population

10. c) Lack of random mating

Chapter NameChapter Link
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering PlantsLink
Human ReproductionLink
Reproductive HealthLink
Principles of Inheritance and VariationLink
Molecular Basis Of InheritanceLink
Human Health and DiseaseLink
Microbes in Human WelfareLink
Biotechnology : Principles and ProcessLink
Biotechnology and its Applications Link
Organism And PopulationLink
Biodiversity and ConservationLink
Articles: 84

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