B.Sc. Nursing Entrance Exam: Most Important MCQs on Evolution (Free Download Available)

B.Sc. Nursing Entrance Exam: Most Important MCQs on Evolution (Free Download Available)
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MCQs for Up Bsc Nursing CNET ABVMU

1. Which scientist proposed the concept of the inheritance of acquired traits?

a) Charles Darwin

b) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

c) Gregor Mendel

d) Alfred Russel Wallace

2. The term “homologous structures” refers to structures that:

a) Have similar functions but different evolutionary origins.

b) Have similar structures but different functions.

c) Have both similar structures and functions.

d) Have neither similar structures nor functions.

3. According to the Hardy-Weinberg principle, the frequency of alleles in a population will remain constant if:

a) Mutation occurs at a high rate.

b) Genetic drift is absent.

c) Natural selection is intense.

d) Gene flow is restricted.

4. The extinction of dinosaurs is associated with:

a) Volcanic eruptions

b) Asteroid impact

c) Climate change

d) Plate tectonics

5. The phenomenon where unrelated species evolve similar traits due to similar environmental pressures is called:

a) Convergent evolution

b) Divergent evolution

c) Coevolution

d) Adaptive radiation

6. The idea that evolution occurs in small, incremental steps over long periods of time is known as:

a) Gradualism

b) Punctuated equilibrium

c) Speciation

d) Adaptive radiation

7. The evolution of wings in birds and bats is an example of:

a) Convergent evolution

b) Divergent evolution

c) Coevolution

d) Parallel evolution

8. The evolutionary theory proposed by Charles Darwin is based on the concept of:

a) Inheritance of acquired traits

b) Natural selection

c) Genetic drift

d) Mutation

9. The process by which new species evolve from a common ancestor is called:

a) Speciation

b) Hybridization

c) Genetic drift

d) Mutation

10. The concept of “survival of the fittest” is associated with:

a) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

b) Charles Darwin

c) Alfred Russel Wallace

d) Gregor Mendel

Answer Key

1. b) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

2. c) Have both similar structures and functions.

3. b) Genetic drift is absent.

4. b) Asteroid impact

5. a) Convergent evolution

6. a) Gradualism

7. a) Convergent evolution

8. b) Natural selection

9. a) Speciation

10. b) Charles Darwin

Chapter NameChapter Link
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering PlantsLink
Human ReproductionLink
Reproductive HealthLink
Principles of Inheritance and VariationLink
Molecular Basis Of InheritanceLink
Human Health and DiseaseLink
Microbes in Human WelfareLink
Biotechnology : Principles and ProcessLink
Biotechnology and its Applications Link
Organism And PopulationLink
Biodiversity and ConservationLink
Articles: 84

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