B.Sc. Nursing Entrance Exam: Most Important MCQs on Biodiversity and Conservation (Free Download Available)

B.Sc. Nursing Entrance Exam: Most Important MCQs on Biodiversity and Conservation (Free Download Available)
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B.Sc. Nursing Entrance Exam

MCQs for Up Bsc Nursing CNET ABVMU Chapter 13 : Biodiversity and Conservation Class 12 MCQs

1. Biodiversity refers to:
a) The variety of genetic traits in a population
b) The variety of species and ecosystems in a region
c) The total number of individuals in an ecosystem
d) The variety of physical environments in an area

2. The loss of biodiversity due to human activities is called
a) Evolution
b) Conservation
c) Extinction
d) Biodiversity

3. Which of the following is a direct threat to biodiversity?
a) Sustainable development
b) Habitat preservation
c) Pollution
d) Ecotourism

4. Which of the following is an in-situ conservation method?
a) Seed banks
b) Botanical gardens
c) National parks
d) Wildlife sanctuaries

5. Which of the following is an example of an endemic species?
a) Tiger (Panthera tigris)
b) Polar bear (Ursus maritimus)
c) Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis)
d) Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)

6. Which of the following is an example of an ex-situ conservation method?
a) Wildlife sanctuary
b) National Park
c) Zoo
d) Biosphere reserve

7. The loss of a species from a particular area but not from the entire planet is known as
a) Extinction
b) Endemism
c) Biodiversity hotspot
d) Extirpation

8. Biodiversity is the term popularised by the sociobiologist 

a) Karl Marx

b) Edward Wilson

c) Herbert Spencer

d) Robert E. Park

9. In the global biodiversity pie chart of vertebrates given below, ‘A’ is covered by

a) Insects

b) Fishes

c) Angiosperms

d) None of the above

10. On a logarithmic scale, the relationship is a straight line described by the equation

a) log S = log C + Z log A

b) log S = log A + Z log C

c) log C = log S + Z log A

d) log Z = log S + C log A

Answer Key

1. b) The variety of species and ecosystems in a region

2. c) Extinction

3. c) Pollution

4. c) National parks

5. c) Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis)

6. (c) Zoo

7. d) Extirpation

8. b) Edward Wilson

9. b) Fishes

10. a) log S = log C + Z log A

Chapter NameChapter Link
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering PlantsLink
Human ReproductionLink
Reproductive HealthLink
Principles of Inheritance and VariationLink
Molecular Basis Of InheritanceLink
Human Health and DiseaseLink
Microbes in Human WelfareLink
Biotechnology : Principles and ProcessLink
Biotechnology and its Applications Link
Organism And PopulationLink
Biodiversity and ConservationLink
Articles: 84

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